You can quickly join the system by sending required documents to our address upon submitting an online customer application.

You must follow the Tobbund Digital Membership Registration application information procedure and click on the "New Membership Application" tab from the link and get a Tobbund username and password.

By logging into the system from the link with your username and password you have created, the requested documents must be filled in and uploaded to the system by clicking the "New Application" tab.

Originals of the application documents shall be posted to «TOBB UND Lojistik Yatırım A.Ş. TOBB İkiz Kuleler Eskişehir Yolu D Kule Kat:23 06530 Bilkent ANKARA»

*In case of uploading the requested documents to the system completely, you can start using collateral within 1 - 2 days.

Application Documents

  • Customer Registration Form (Click to download)
  • Letter of Undertaking
  • Surety Agreement
  • Clarification Text
  • Undertaking Statement and Commitment of Guarantee
  • Privacy Policy / Membership Registration Fee Receipt
  • Certificate of Activity from affiliated Chamber of Commerce
  • Trade Registry and Additional Documents Demonstrating Foundation
  • Shareholder etc.
  • Copy of the most recent audited accounts
  • Photocopy of Authorisation Certificate and Attached Vehicle Lists (Not required for importer / exporter companies.)

*After sending the documents completely and filled correctly, you may start to benefit the advantages of Tobbund services within 1 – 2 days.

** Company foundation shall be not earlier than 3 years.

*The application will be sent to your e-mail. When filling in the surety agreement, please write the name of the company owner or company partner in the surety section and the name of your company as the customer. Rewrite the second paragraph of this contract, the section starting with (GUARANTEE....), in the space below it with your handwriting. Submit the Letter of Undertaking and Surety Agreement signed and stamped by the Company Official).

System Registration Fees and Payment Information

Customer registration fee is charged once only. Registration fees are processed as payment to be used in the company account.

While calculating the number of vehicles registered in the authorisation certificate, tractor (truck) and semi-trailers (trailers) will be calculated separately.

Registration Fee and Payment

Please fill out the contact form for the price request.